In collaboration with Moco Museum (@mocomuseum) we decided to do an outtake on the Creatives Are The New Athletes hoodie. For this shoot the modeling talent is artist Latanya Alberto (@latanya.alberto), a musical artist with a unique tender but powerful sound. Dream away with her new EP called: ‘Cede’. The shoot was shot by creative Bram Romkes (@brambybram).
Together with Moco Museum we try to give creativity. By joining forces with with the Moco Museum ,we try to give creativity a platform. Furthermore, the wish to find new ways of working together and making connections between uncommon worlds. The exhibition ‘Reflecting Forward: In Search of Connectivism’, by studio Irma in the museum was the perfect setting for this collaboration. 
Moco Museum x The New Originals

We use the voice of the street and power of art to challenge the norm, champion the truth, open up minds, and question the world around us” - Moco Founders (Kim & Lionel Logchies)

Moco Museum x The New Originals

Reserve your hoodie and/or socks by sending an e-mail to:

Moco Museum x The New Originals

Want to visit the Reflecting Forward Exhibition and many more interesting exhibitions in the Moco Museum? They will reopen their doors on the 1st of June! You can pre-order your tickets here.